Side Hustle To Main Hustle?

I Support Autism Awareness
26th September 2016
Let Loose ;-)
28th October 2016

Are you a morning or evening person? I definitely fall for evening. When the sun sets, it is my morning. I believe evening people work better both day and night. 😉 Why not huh?

Well back to business. Sometime back I was working as a marketer for a big Kenyan company. A 7-6 job that necessarily meant I had extra time before 10 pm. I took it upon myself to make what I’m passionate about my business, this would mean going to different creative hubs across my city, Nairobi. Honing my acting, writing, and presenting… skills. Understanding my craft. It took 3 years before I could comfortably say my art is financially viable. This was my side hustle then worked towards making it a full-time hustle. 🙂 I thought it wise to share this journey – I must admit it’s not an overnight transition.

Before you make your side hustle a full-time hustle;

  • Make sure it’s something you are passionate about.
  • Research the market you are getting yourself into.
  • Develop a personal plan – my advice put it down on paper.
  • Develop a business plan, especially start-ups – Understand your business model. Key partnership. Investment model. Lay a good foundation.
  • Evaluate the viability of your chosen field/industry. Keep track of your finances. Seek professional advice. To scale up your visibility understand the numbers.
  • Formalize the business. Make it official, develop a website register, and get official papers to carry on legally…

Before you call it quits, you should be having a source of income, acting as a resource to push the steps above. Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.

Change is inevitable and we all come to a place in life where we face transition whether planned or through circumstances. I’m in this together with you, the journey continues, #EveningWalkWithEuniceAyuma continues. Beautiful weekend.

My two cents.

My two cents.