When I think of the term excellence, I think of the refusal to adopt a half-hearted attitude to be the absolute best at whatever one may set out to be.
I live a weird life, a weird life where each and every little thing that’s heard, seen by me, or happens to me ends up for my good. I desire to live every moment totally and intensely, even when I’m giving an interview or talking to people, that’s all that I’m thinking about.
While at home with family, in the office, in front of cameras, behind microphones, there is this feeling, a feeling where the world fades away and the only thing you see is being present. A good example is while on set, one boils with the desire to “kill” the role accompanied by the biggest fear “What if I don’t deliver?” More often than not one dives into the scene and rolls because the only way to know how deeply the emotions are supposed to be expressed, tonal variation…is just by doing it. After all, is said and done. The cameras stop rolling, or the microphones are off, one leaves a scene very high, high on oxygen. I know you are thinking oxygen, really!! Who gets high on oxygen? Well, we all do after finishing up a task you thought will take forever to complete. Isn’t that excellent?
Honestly, in this world, I don’t know what is out there or what is waiting for me but whatever it is, I’m gonna find it. Welcome to my official website, come along, as I chart my path. KARIBU!