Since its release, in May 2016 it has made quite a splash online. Trigga, the music diplomat put together a beautiful piece full of surprises. To give you a brief idea of what the book is all about. The book majors on music nothing more than just music. Well, from a thematic standpoint, it goes deep into the history of Music from Africa to the West.
The meaning: The title of the book is self-explanatory simply because the author is so full of himself enlightening you about the power of music.
Highlights: The whole book is a highlight you should not miss a page. I find it interesting the author uses real characters both in the secular and gospel music industry making it easy for you to relate with.
Lowlights: Trigga gives you links from Youtube, how I wish I could just click from the book and voila! 😉 The videos appear but hey! this is pretty awesome you know. You get to walk with him through his Youtube life.
Memorable line: “Whether we acknowledge it or not, the music we listen to has influenced our lives to greater extents than we imagine.” Pg 22
Final thoughts: Make sure you read it and oh! By the way, check out pg 98 you will be surprised to learn what the meaning of RAP is.
The event was packed with legends from the music industry
I see #Njeriwaqabbz and Rozy Ohon
Mr. Googz in white and the amazing Qtasi
Songbird Joyce Mwaura and friends enjoying the performance
Felt at home with the amazing performances from the legends and fresh talents.
Erena singing her heart out
Her voice!
Henry Mutuku took to the stage doing Manzi wa maana. Woman of substance she is.
The amazing Hellen Mtawali” Today I have become a mentor, a legend, and an icon because of the power of music.
Hellen Mtawali giving her speech – reading her foreword
Brian Trigga freezing a moment with the C.E.O of Afrizo Band, Hellen Mtawali on the red carpet.
Easter Wahome “Brian is humble enough to allow himself to be mentored by those who came before him”
Esther Wahome HSC, giving her speech – reading her foreword
Multiple -award-winning International Music Minister Esther Wahome could not leave without performing her biggest hit Kuna Dawa
Mr. Googz graced us with his wisdom “Information you receive affects your thinking, your words say a lot about what you think”
In his speech, Trigga revealed how his desktop crashed 3 years back with the original copy of the book. Waah! If you were in his position would you start over again? Jeez! The music diplomat is one persistent, determined young fellow. He picked himself from the rugs, started from square one and here I am reading the outcome of a 3 year journey. #Applause. Trigga is also a member of a gospel music group, Vijana Kwa Pullpit. (VKP) this explains his passion and love for music.
Meet Brian Trigga the author behind this book as he tells us the journey.
Trigga and his manager Jacob Danquah with the cover of the book.
I loved the performance, the guests, the red carpet moments, everything not forgetting the food!!! 😉
Trigga the author and I, was I supposed to miss this moment?
Today being the author’s birthday we at take this opportunity to wish Brian Trigga a happy birthday full of God’s blessings.
Questions to the author? please do not hesitate, to post them in the comment section and he will be sure to get back to you 😉
Trigga dressed by Caley Juma
Venue: Michael Joseph Centre – Safaricom House