17th May 2017
27th July 2017

Its Saturday morning, no traffic in the city but you are late for an important meeting with a client, or just late for work. This is unlike you so your client/colleagues are worried. Believe me, the first place they will all check before calling, is your last post on social media, Maybe something happened to you.

With just one click they see 7 hours ago you live on Facebook at a  live concert, your Instastories read “1:45 am Naivasha here we come, its gon be lit, #workhard #playevenharder” In this era where everyone is free to manage their social life many are bound to make the wrong impression. <Food For Thought>

30th July marked social media day, a day launched by Mashable as a way to recognize and celebrate social media’s impact on global communication. I took my evening walk to Nailab a Kenyan business incubator where different people hook up to engage in positive conversations. The main agenda was Responsible use of social media.

Keynote speakers such as Nelly Ndonye, King Of Facebook Syoks <Stephen Musyoka>, and Raphael Obonyo, Author of Conversations about the Youth in Kenya, shed light sharing how their online footprints have created opportunities for others, changed their lives and the lives of brands associated with them.

Major take away

  1. Most organizations have a social media policy, so If you are in an organization, however, bulk the policy is, read through it understand it and do your level best best to stay true to it.
  2. To the mkenya mtrue, let’s see peace in all you do/say.
  3. To the #yolo generation, your online footprints speak volumes about you let every like, share, forward, double tap, and screenshot represent the person you truly are.
  4. To the online marketers;
  • It is not about digital marketing it is marketing in a digital world, therefore, develop the right content and engagement online.
  • Focus on telling beautiful stories rather than pushing the product
  • Your network is your net worth
Are you responsible online?

Are you responsible online?

Until next time, tupatane online #EveningWalkWithEuniceAyuma

Photo credits: Brian Lawrence