
Welcome to eayuma.com
7th May 2016
Mathare and I
22nd July 2016

We all work be it freelance, Jua Kali or employed, after a long day of grinding hard, we embrace something easy to read, watch, look at, or just give the brain its easy time to live life 😉

I prefer evening walks. An evening walk makes you travel to a different world altogether, see different things, and tone down your body making you healthy, strong, and inspired to do more. These evening walks happen to be more fun when you have a partner.

I will be sharing with you my journey echoed as “Evening walk with Eunice Ayuma” I’m looking for a partner who will walk with me through the stories of my life. Let’s walk together and experience the other side of me. Will you be my partner? #EveningWalkWithEuniceAyuma
